
At ideate ID, we focus on creating a secure digital space. We believe that digital identification and secure communication are essential for reliable business transactions and long-term digital value storage. 

We collaborate with clients across markets and business stages, serving Digital ID ecosystem stakeholders, investors, and start-ups, with a special emphasis on supporting innovation centers and business development units within established service providers.

We cater to the specific needs of our customers with expertise and dedication, providing tailor-made solutions.


Covering a comprehensive range of services, ideate ID offers

Market and Trend Analysis

Business Modeling

Financial Plans

Service and Process Design

Data Modelling

Prototyping: UX and UI Design

As for the operating mode, ideate ID team members can support client’s development units.
SW development tasks may be executed together with Sideos Lab, a partner company of ideate ID.



The development of new business ideas encounters a complex obstacle: the initial stage is fraught with market uncertainty and varying stakeholder perspectives. 

With our methodology based on the concepts of Design Thinking we transform business requirements into tangible solutions and assist our clients in swiftly discovering robust and dependable business opportunities.

Our Design Approach

ideate ID believes that secure digital identities are at the core of the new internet layer, the web 3.0, characterized by its peer-to-peer connections in distributed networks and its usage of distributed ledger technologies. 

The success factors for the deployment of these new layers are not only technical. They depend to a large extent on the seamless integration of business processes between the different players in a common ecosystem and the harmonization of the applicable compliance requirements, such as the European eIDAS regulation.

From creating a common understanding of roles and responsibilities up to the modeling of processes flows, ideate ID develops the design artifacts which need to be defined for the software implementation process. To enable interoperability, the company applies internationally standardized data models for the interpretation of data on business level. ideate ID is committed to the methodologies of user centered design including reality testing.